Friday, March 6, 2009

Search Engine Optimization Headaches

Oh my goodness, if you have ever worked on trying to promote your site and optimize your site for search engines without the help of costly companies doing this for you, you can understand the headache I'm talking about!

First there is the question of keywords. Are they throughout your site and in titles, headings, and in the body content? Is the density of your keywords enough? Next, is the HTML code correct? Do all your links work? Do you have keywords in your links? On and On.

Let me just say, it is not easy to do this, but it can be done. If you want to invest money in a SEO company and can afford it, do it. If you are like me and would rather do it yourself, you can. I went through my site and changed all pages in just a few hours. The outcome of all this work has paid off completely. I now have more traffic and am making more sales for my products. If you need help with this go to my site and get started today. Without search engine optimization you will be spinning your wheels.

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